The whole assembly of the LORD says:'How could you break faith with the God of Israel like this? How could you turn away from the LORD and build yourselves an altar in rebellion against him now? 耶和华全会众这样说:'你们今日转去不跟从耶和华,干犯以色列的神,为自己筑一座坛,悖逆了耶和华,这犯的是什么罪呢?
If you break faith and try to take advantage, I'll find someone else to work with. 若你背信或相占便宜,我就会找别人。
Never break faith, or you will lose all your friends. 不要背信弃义,否则你将失去所有的朋友。
Should you be swallowed by dark and break faith? 莫非你,你已被黑暗吞噬转变了心意。
They chose to break faith with millions of decent, proud, hard working citizens. 他们决意背弃千百万纯朴自豪而又勤奋工作的公民。
While credit problems get serious, a variety of factors that promote to break faith will continue to strengthen. 在信用题目不断严重的时候,各种促进失信的因素会不断增强,同时抑制失信的因素也会慢慢积累起来。
To establish the perfect break faith penalty system; 建立完善的失信惩罚机制;
Credit, Information and Regulation: Economics Analysis to Keep Faith and Break Faith 信用、信息与规制&守信/失信的经济学分析
The Problem of Break Faith in the Sales of Commercial Housing and Its Regulation 论商品房买卖中的失信问题及其规范
Despite the importance of the honesty of the government, some local governments break faith occasionally. 政府诚信虽然重要,但在行政实践中个别地方政府仍存在失信现象。
In recent years, the break faith behavior of University students is severity increasingly, which lead to the discussion of the problem of university students 'personal credit. 近年来,大学生个人失信行为日益严重,引发了人们对高校学生诚信问题的讨论。
To curb and reduce the phenomenon of break faith in market economy, we have to establish the good faith system, develop the good faith industry, structure credit market in order to ensure the healthful development of market economy. 要遏制与减少市场经济运行中的失信现象,就必须建立诚信体系、发展信用行业、构建信用市场,以确保市场经济的健康发展。
But in this dissertation, after analyzing and comparing the difference of those ideas, the author thinks we need to break through the limit of the traditional theory and configure a whole new system of good faith acquisition about immovable property. 本文主旨在于通过分析比较之后,主张善意取得制度突破传统动产的樊篱,建构起全新的不动产善意取得制度。
The results show that: ( 1) information asymmetry and lack of government efforts is the root to break faith under trade credit in supply chain. 结果表明:(1)信息不对称和政府失信惩罚力度不足是供应链信用交易中失信的根源。
It to critique of enlightenment as the starting point, tries to break the inherent essence, liberate imprisoned human imagination and raw emotion, the recovery of human to the traditional art of faith, realize the real world and the ideal world of the perfect unity. 它以批判启蒙运动为出发点,试图打破事物固有的本质,解放人类的想象力和原始情感,恢复人类对传统艺术的信仰,实现现实世界与理想世界的完美统一。
This thesis tries to resolve this problem by Society security card, which means once students break the faith the banks have an imperative mean to force them to return student loan. 本文试图通过建立社保卡的方式解决大学生毕业后流动性大、追踪困难的问题,当学生贷款违约时可以有一种强制手段促使学生归还助学贷款。